As long as this restaurant exists, you can call this 'Home'

“He can’t hear or speak – how can he work in the kitchen?”
Last month, someone I knew from my hometown sent me a CV, asking if he would be a fit in the RCP kitchen.
His name was Vipin.
Deaf-mute by birth, he was working as a staff cook in a hotel.
I will be honest, I was concerned as to how he would fit in the hectic and fast pace of the kitchen. But something in me said otherwise. It was my heart.
Without any hesitation, I called up my Head chef at RCP Kochi and asked him to set up a trial for Vipin – and guess what happened?
The 25-year-old shocked everyone in the kitchen!❤
Committed, neat, disciplined and calm – it was as if it was second nature to him.
Whatever we threw at him, he handled it with great poise and maturity.
The very next day, he joined our family at RCP Kochi.💕
Today, he is a brother to the 30-odd chefs working in the kitchen.
They cook together, smile together, strive together and learn together.
When I met him, I only told him one thing:
“As long as this restaurant exists, you can call this home.”
I don’t know if he understood it or not, but he held my hands tightly and looked at me. The moment I saw his eyes, I knew. I knew my heart was right – this boy was special.
Food has no language.
You don’t need eyes, you don’t need ears.
– all you need is a heart filled with passion for feeding people love.
Vipin, you are an inspiration to me, for the entire RCP family.
We’re all here as your sound and words, for as long as you need us.
So happy for you, brother!😍